# Default configuration file for tmux-powerline. # Modeline { # vi: foldmarker={,} foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0 tabstop=4 filetype=sh # } # General { # Show which segment fails and its exit code. export TMUX_POWERLINE_DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED="false" # Use patched font symbols. export TMUX_POWERLINE_PATCHED_FONT_IN_USE="true" # The theme to use. export TMUX_POWERLINE_THEME="mine" # Overlay directory to look for themes. There you can put your own themes outside the repo. Fallback will still be the "themes" directory in the repo. export TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_USER_THEMES="" # Overlay directory to look for segments. There you can put your own segments outside the repo. Fallback will still be the "segments" directory in the repo. export TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_USER_SEGMENTS="" # } # battery.sh { # How to display battery remaining. Can be {percentage, cute}. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_BATTERY_TYPE="percentage" # How may hearts to show if cute indicators are used. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_BATTERY_NUM_HEARTS="5" # } # date.sh { # date(1) format for the date. If you don't, for some reason, like ISO 8601 format you might want to have "%D" or "%m/%d/%Y". export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_DATE_FORMAT="%F" # } # disk_usage.sh { # Filesystem to retrieve disk space information. Any from the filesystems available (run "df | awk '{print }'" to check them). export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_DISK_USAGE_FILESYSTEM="/" # } # earthquake.sh { # The data provider to use. Currently only "goo" is supported. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_EARTHQUAKE_DATA_PROVIDER="goo" # How often to update the earthquake data in seconds. # Note: This is not an early warning detector, use this # to be informed about recent earthquake magnitudes in your # area. If this is too often, goo may decide to ban you form # their server export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_EARTHQUAKE_UPDATE_PERIOD="600" # Only display information when earthquakes are within this many minutes export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_EARTHQUAKE_ALERT_TIME_WINDOW="60" # Display time with this format export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_EARTHQUAKE_TIME_FORMAT='(%H:%M)' # Display only if magnitude is greater or equal to this number export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_EARTHQUAKE_MIN_MAGNITUDE="3" # } # hostname.sh { # Use short or long format for the hostname. Can be {"short, long"}. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_HOSTNAME_FORMAT="short" # } # macos_notification_count.sh { # App ids to query in notification center, separated by space # To get the app id that is associated with a specific app run: # sqlite3 -list "/com.apple.notificationcenter/db/db" 'select * from app_info' # The first column contains the app ids # "5" is the app id of Messages.app # Only "banner" notifications are supported (see settings in the notification center) export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MACOS_NOTIFICATION_COUNT_APPIDS="5" # Notification symbol export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MACOS_NOTIFICATION_COUNT_CHAR="💬" # } # mailcount.sh { # Mailbox type to use. Can be any of {apple_mail, gmail, maildir, mbox, mailcheck} export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MAILCOUNT_MAILBOX_TYPE="" ## Gmail # Enter your Gmail username here WITH OUT @gmail.com.( OR @domain) export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MAILCOUNT_GMAIL_USERNAME="" # Google password. Recomenned to use application specific password (https://accounts.google.com/b/0/IssuedAuthSubTokens) Leave this empty to get password from OS X keychain. # For OSX users : MAKE SURE that you add a key to the keychain in the format as follows # Keychain Item name : http:// # Account name : @ # Password : Your password ( Once again, try to use 2 step-verification and application-specific password) # See http://support.google.com/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=185833 for more info. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MAILCOUNT_GMAIL_PASSWORD="" # Domain name that will complete your email. For normal GMail users it probably is "gmail.com but can be "foo.tld" for Google Apps users. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MAILCOUNT_GMAIL_SERVER="gmail.com" # How often in minutes to check for new mails. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MAILCOUNT_GMAIL_INTERVAL="5" ## Maildir # Path to the maildir to check. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MAILCOUNT_MAILDIR_INBOX="/home/x/.mail/inbox/new" ## mbox # Path to the mbox to check. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MAILCOUNT_MBOX_INBOX="/var/mail/x" ## mailcheck # Optional path to mailcheckrc export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_MAILCOUNT_MAILCHECKRC="/home/x/.mailcheckrc" # } # now_playing.sh { # Music player to use. Can be any of {audacious, banshee, cmus, itunes, lastfm, mocp, mpd, mpd_simple, pithos, rdio, rhythmbox, spotify, spotify_wine, file}. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MUSIC_PLAYER="" # File to be read in case the song is being read from a file export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_FILE_NAME="" # Maximum output length. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MAX_LEN="40" # How to handle too long strings. Can be {trim, roll}. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_TRIM_METHOD="trim" # Charcters per second to roll if rolling trim method is used. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_ROLL_SPEED="2" # Hostname for MPD server in the format "[password@]host" export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_HOST="localhost" # Port the MPD server is running on. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_PORT="6600" # Song display format for mpd_simple. See mpc(1) for delimiters. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_MPD_SIMPLE_FORMAT="%artist% - %title%" # Song display format for rhythmbox. see "FORMATS" in rhythmbox-client(1). export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_RHYTHMBOX_FORMAT="%aa - %tt" # Username for Last.fm if that music player is used. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_USERNAME="" # How often in seconds to update the data from last.fm. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_LASTFM_UPDATE_PERIOD="30" # Fancy char to display before now playing track export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_NOW_PLAYING_NOTE_CHAR="♫" # } # pwd.sh { # Maximum length of output. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_PWD_MAX_LEN="40" # } # time.sh { # date(1) format for the time. Americans might want to have "%I:%M %p". export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_TIME_FORMAT="%H:%M" # } # weather.sh { # The data provider to use. Currently only "yahoo" is supported. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_WEATHER_DATA_PROVIDER="yahoo" # What unit to use. Can be any of {c,f,k}. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_WEATHER_UNIT="c" # How often to update the weather in seconds. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_WEATHER_UPDATE_PERIOD="600" # Name of GNU grep binary if in PATH, or path to it. export TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_WEATHER_GREP="grep" # Your location. Find a code that works for you: # 1. Go to Yahoo weather http://weather.yahoo.com/ # 2. Find the weather for you location # 3. Copy the last numbers in that URL. e.g. "http://weather.yahoo.com/united-states/california/newport-beach-12796587/" has the numbers "12796587" TMUX_POWERLINE_SEG_WEATHER_LOCATION="" # }