## ⚠️⚠️!! THIS IS STILL WIP, I KNOW MANY THINGS ARE MISSING !!⚠️⚠️ > Privacy/Freedom friendly alternatives to popular software! ### ======= ###### Password Manager: [Bitwarden](https://bitwarden.com/) --- Bitwarden is a privacy friendly alternative to Lastpass, 1Password and others. ### ======= ###### Web Browser: [Librewolf](https://librewolf.net/) --- Librewolf is a fork of Firefox, it improves the default privacy and security of Firefox by disabling and stripping out the un-needed/tacking features. ### ======= ###### OS (Operating System): [Linux Mint](https://linuxmint.com/) --- Linux Mint is a very user-friendly alternative to people who are familiar with the layout of Windows, it makes software easy to find and install, and has very good documentation and user support! [ElementaryOS](https://elementary.io/) --- ElementaryOS is a MacOS-like Linux distrobution, it is similar to Linux Mint being based off of Debian/Ubuntu, has many of the same features, but is more suited to MacOS users looking to move to something free. ### =======