
99 lines
4.4 KiB

{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %}
{% use 'flex-objects/types/default/titlebar/list.html.twig' %}
{# Allowed actions #}
{% set export = directory.config('admin.views.export') ?? directory.config('admin.export') ?? [] %}
{% set can_export = can_export ?? (export['enabled'] ?? export|array|count)|bool %}
{% set can_create = can_create ?? directory.isAuthorized('create', 'admin', user) %}
{% set can_translate = can_translate ?? (admin.multilang and directory.object.hasFlexFeature('flex-translate')) %}
{% set per_page = per_page ?? grav.uri.currentUri.queryParam('per_page') %}
{# Translations #}
{% if can_translate %}
{% set translate_include_default = translate_include_default ?? grav.config.get('system.languages.include_default_lang_file_extension', true) %}
{% set all_languages = grav.admin.siteLanguages %}
{% set admin_languages = admin.languages_enabled %}
{% set default_language = grav.language.default %}
{% set language = controller.language %}
{% if translate_include_default %}
{% set all_languages = all_languages|merge({'': 'Default'}) %}
{% set admin_languages = admin_languages|merge({'': ''}) %}
{% else %}
{% set language = language ?: default_language %}
{# endif #}
{% endif %}
{# These variables can be overridden from the main template file #}
{% set allowed = allowed ?? (directory and directory.isAuthorized('list', 'admin', user)) %}
{% set back_route = back_route ?? route.getRoute(1, -1) %}
{% set configure_path = directory.config('admin.router.actions.configure.path') %}
{% set configure_route = configure_route ?? (configure_path ? route.withRoute(admin_route(configure_path)|trim('/')) : null) %}
{% set configure_route = configure_route ?? route.withGravParam('', 'configure') %}
{% set title_icon = title_icon ?? view_config['icon'] ?? ?? 'fa-file-text-o' %}
{% set title -%}
{%- set title_config = view_config['title'] ?? null -%}
{%- if title_config.template -%}
{{- include(template_from_string(title_config.template, 'configure title template')) -}}
{%- else -%}
{{- directory.title|tu -}}
{% endif %}
{%- endset %}
{% set schema = directory.blueprint.schema %}
{% do assets.addJs('plugin://flex-objects/js/flex-objects.js', { 'group': 'bottom', 'loading': 'defer' }) %}
{% block body %}
{% set collection = directory ? collection.isAuthorized('list', 'admin', user) %}
{% set directory_config = view_config['options'] ?? config.get('plugins.flex-objects.admin_list', { per_page: 15, order: { by: 'updated_timestamp', dir: 'desc' }}) %}
{% set per_page = max(1, per_page ?? directory_config.per_page) %}
{% set table = directory ? flex.dataTable(collection.flexDirectory(), { collection: collection, limit: per_page, sort: ~ '|' ~ directory_config.order.dir }) %}
{% set back_url = admin_route(back_route) %}
{% set configure_url = (directory.config('admin.views.configure.hidden') ?? directory.config('admin.configure.hidden', false)) is not same as(true) ? configure_route.toString(true) %}
{% set fields = table.getColumns() %}
{% set fields_count = fields ? count(fields) : 0 %}
{% set fields_width = 8 %}
{% set fields_set = 0 %}
{% set title_field = view_config['title'] %}
{% for key,options in fields %}
{% set fields_width = fields_width + options.width ?: 0 %}
{% set fields_set = fields_set + (options.width ? 1 : 0) %}
{% if not title_field and == 'edit' %}
{% set title_field = key %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock body %}
{% block content_top %}
{% if allowed and user.authorize('admin.super') %}
{% set save_location = directory.getStorageFolder() %}
<div class="alert notice">{{ "PLUGIN_ADMIN.SAVE_LOCATION"|tu }}: <b>{{ url(save_location, false, true)|trim('/') }}</b></div>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% if allowed %}
{% block content_list %}
{% include ['flex-objects/types/' ~ target ~ '/list/list.html.twig', 'flex-objects/types/default/list/list.html.twig'] %}
{% endblock %}
{% else %}
{% do page.modifyHeader('http_response_code', 404) %}
<div class="error-block">
<h1>{{ 'PLUGIN_ADMIN.ERROR'|tu }} 404</h1>
<div class="padding">
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}