diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index da9106b..17a16c3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,3 +1,16 @@ +# Forked Changes +This plugin supports multi-author, *multi-language (hardcoded) and adds additional media accounts (Matrix, Mastodon, Gitea, Github) and email. + +The icons are based on [forkaweso.me](https://forkaweso.me/Fork-Awesome/icons/). +Just [download the icon package](https://forkaweso.me/Fork-Awesome/get-started/) for your theme and add it to your `base.html.twig` file `{% do assets.addCss('theme://css/fork-awesome.min.css', 100) %}` under `{% block stylesheets %}`. + +(*) Multi-language is hardcoded (en, de) and a quick solution for [our news](https://techsaviours.org/news/) that we recently launched. +Add your language code in [line 47](https://github.com/TECH-SAVIOURS-ORG/grav-plugin-aura-authors/blob/7716ae9c481bbed5222d245812fd5879a029b9bd/templates/partials/author-bio.html.twig#L47) and add a new [description](https://github.com/TECH-SAVIOURS-ORG/grav-plugin-aura-authors/blob/7716ae9c481bbed5222d245812fd5879a029b9bd/blueprints.yaml#L64-L67) field to `blueprints.yaml`. +See also [Multi-Language](https://learn.getgrav.org/17/content/multi-language). + +The plugin is no longer maintained for years. +Below is the original text. + # Aura Authors Plugin The **Aura Authors** Plugin for [Grav CMS](https://github.com/getgrav/grav) enables you to store author bios in a centrally managed repository and have them displayed across various pages of your site.